1500 Old York Road, Abington, PA
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 529, Abington, PA 19001
Phone: (215) 887-7375
Effective January 1, 2020, we are now conducting our business from 1500 Old York Road, Abington, PA 19001. The only change is our location. The ownership and staff have and will remain the same. We are simply sharing a facility. We will continue in helping you to remember and honor the ones you love from our new home.

Tribute Wall
Graveside Service
11:00 am
Saturday, February 5, 2022
Whitemarsh Memorial Park
Limekiln Pike And Horsham Road
Prospectville, Pennsylvania, United States
WALTER BATEMAN posted a condolence
Thursday, July 7, 2022
Hello. My name is Walter Bateman and Alan and I were in NROTC together for 4 years while at the University of Pennsylvania;
and adding the phrase that sportscaster Al Michaels made famous ... 'Do you believe in Miracles!' ... he and I ended up as roommates in 'Officer's Country' on the USS Santa Barabara (AE-28) serving togther during the early 70's. As you may know, the living quarters on a US Naval vessel are tight so Al and I had our moments, as do all USN roommates, but we survived and I valued our friendship and time together. A classic Fish-Bateman moment: Al was a 3rd Division Officer (and very good one!); we had docked in Subic Bay Naval Base in the Philippines and thus had a rare, very rare day off so a 2-on-2 flight basketball tourney was arranged to take place in the ship's helicopter flight hangar .... and before we even got started! ... Al had his guys bring out the paint cans for 'routine maintenance' of that deck ... which killed the much-anticipated b-ball tourney and resulted in a Felix Unger - Oscar Madison roommate moment between the two of us. Nevertheless, we survived the remainder of the tour living together and had a memorable time and established a splendid friendship as two Wharton classmates serving our country halfway around the world. I would add that Al was an outstanding and dedicated Naval Officer. As happens in life, we went our separate ways and lost touch over the years, except for crossing paths at periodic class reunions or an occasional lunch get-together in Montgomeryville. Reading about his passing was personally sad ... but also evoked extremely fond memories of friendship, college days, NROTC, and two young Naval officers rooming and serving our country together. Looking back I could not have had a better college classmate, naval roommate and shipmate than Al. I will miss him.
Walt Bateman (wbateman01@comcast.net)
Phone: Home 215.285.8651/Mobile 267.893.8325
The family of Alan Fish uploaded a photo
Thursday, January 27, 2022

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ROBERT LIEBSCHER posted a condolence
Thursday, January 27, 2022
All of these comments about Alan’s demeanor are on target, and, as one of our classmates remarked to me not too long ago, we didn’t realize just how shy he was. He had a good sense of humor and it was fun to converse with him. I, too, fondly remember the gatherings at his house which took place over many years from grade school through high school and beyond. His parents were charitable in allowing us to dig up the side yard with our football and wiffleball games, and we always felt comfortable at his home.
Having some experience with operating a dialysis machine, I had a pretty good understanding of his living with that burden for a number of years before his renal transplant (and that condition, though certainly a better place, has its own issues). I admire how he handled all that in his quiet way.
An aside here: for some time, Alan and I communicated about those classmates who came and went over the years, trying to remember every last one of them. Because he did, indeed, have an uncannily detailed memory of such things, I told him that he was the keeper of The List, the compilation of those names. Whenever the odd name would pop up from the abyss that is my long-term memory, I would query Alan about its inclusion in the list. Most of the time, he already had it recorded and would proceed to fill me in on long-forgotten details and a story or two about that person. He was amazing in that way.
We grieve Alan's loss and extend our heartfelt sympathies to his family.
Here’s to our old classmate, a good man, with thanks for his service to our country.
Elizabeth Malone uploaded photo(s)
Monday, January 24, 2022

I am deeply saddened by Alan’s passing. I knew him literally my entire life. We were born on the same day in the same hospital and went all through school together. He was my first dance partner at our first school dance! I’m glad he was surrounded by a loving family, as he deserved. We will miss him at our gatherings and he will always have a special part of every Birthday I may be privileged to celebrate.
Nancy “Wendie” Campbell posted a symbolic gesture
Monday, January 24, 2022

Alan was a dear high school classmate of mine and I shall sorely miss him at our day-after-Christmas gathering. His quiet demeanor and ready smile was a delight! To Alan’s family: rest assured that he now resides in your hearts ♥️ so he is really never far away.
George and Linda Harrar posted a condolence
Monday, January 24, 2022
We’re so sorry to hear of Alan’s passing away but consoled that it was a peaceful death in his sleep. He was a good friend going back to church and grade school days. I spent many summer afternoons playing wiffleball in his yard or ping pong in his basement. His mother always welcomed us, no matter the commotion we made. His father took us to the all-star baseball game at Fenway Park in Boston in 1961—my first overnight trip. He made an impression on Linda when she arrived in sixth grade as she invited him to the annual turnaround dance the next year.
Yes he was quiet in groups but quite talkative and funny in one-on-one conversations. I was pleased to sit next to him at our day-after-Christmas class lunch in 2019 as he recalled our school experiences. He had quite the institutional memory, remembering the names and idiosyncrasies of classmates, many of whom only spent a year or two with us. We emailed back and forth in December as we were arranging to pick him up to come to this year’s lunch, but the wave of Omicron changed his mind. I regret that we didn’t have the chance for one last conversation. We shall miss one of our oldest friends.
George and Linda (Davis) Harrar
1500 Old York Road, Abington, PA 19001
Phone: (215) 887-7375