1500 Old York Road, Abington, PA
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 529, Abington, PA 19001
Phone: (215) 887-7375
Effective January 1, 2020, we are now conducting our business from 1500 Old York Road, Abington, PA 19001. The only change is our location. The ownership and staff have and will remain the same. We are simply sharing a facility. We will continue in helping you to remember and honor the ones you love from our new home.

Tribute Wall
10:00 am - 11:00 am
Friday, February 17, 2023
Helweg & Rowland Funeral Home, Inc.
1500 Old York Rd.
Abington, Pennsylvania, United States
Memorial Service
11:00 am
Friday, February 17, 2023
Helweg & Rowland Funeral Home, Inc.
1500 Old York Rd.
Abington, Pennsylvania, United States
John Weinrich posted a condolence
Friday, February 24, 2023
The world lost an amazing woman! It was an absolute pleasure to have known Mary for so many years. She was always a source of optimism for anyone that encountered her. Back in my bakery days, I remember dealing with her at Otto's and always experienced her wit and charm. Owning and operating a food business successfully is a 24/7 obligation and produces an enormous amount of stress. However, her demeanor was always cheerful, caring & upbeat and she was genuinely at ease with her occupational endeavors. Many years later, Mary worked at Remax Action and I thoroughly enjoyed our conversations around the office. After a quite fulfilling life in our community ,may Mary be granted eternal rest .
John Weinrich-Upper Moreland
Ross Schriftman posted a condolence
Friday, February 17, 2023
I was blessed to have known Mary. She was so great to work with on community events. She was always with a smile and a positive attitude. Just before I moved to Wyoming, I spent time with Mary and Craig at Lancers. God bless her memory.
Ross Schriftman, Casper, Wyoming
Karyn Bonner posted a condolence
Friday, February 17, 2023
Q: How would you describe Mary to someone who had never met them?
A: Mary lit up the crowd wherever she went. She was so generous with her time and her spirit. She always arrived with an idea, with a connection to another friend you had to make, with a laugh and a way of always looking to create a beautiful network of people working towards the positive change. She will be missed terribly by the community. Rest well Mary - you leave behind a beautiful legacy to remind us all to be kind, do better, live life with grace and a smile.
David Bolger lit a candle
Thursday, February 16, 2023

Mrs. Dare was a GREAT teacher. I’ll never forget the incubator full of eggs that hatched into baby chicks. And having Guinea pigs in class. She made learning fun.
She will live in all of us forever. #BLAIRMILL
Tom Friedman, Horsham Square Pharmacy posted a condolence
Monday, February 13, 2023
I was fortunate to have known Mary as a patient (with an infectious smile) an esteemed friend, and a colleage in several local organizations and projects. Her contributions and tireless support of our community through many organizations and countless projects and events will be long remembered by many.
Colleen Mercedes posted a condolence
Thursday, February 9, 2023
Mary Dare was the most generous and welcoming boss to all of her employees. She was not just a boss, but a friend who knew her employees on such a personal level. Mary gave her longtime friend and employee, Ursula, her beloved, golden retriever Freud in 1998. She will be remembered for spending Sunday mornings at Ottos eating Silver dollar pancakes with her grandchildren. Mary loved a pork and sauerkraut dinner and having a good old-fashioned cheeseburger for lunch. We all have such fond memories of Mary, whether it be the many Atlantic City trips, or Mary running around the kitchen spraying people with whip cream! She gave us a such a great work environment with so many opportunities to succeed! She did all she could to help anyone out. Mary was a great person, friend, and boss. Thank you for all the memories. May you rest in peace.
Ursula, Denise and Colleen
Pat Martin lit a candle
Wednesday, February 8, 2023

I light a candle in honor of Mary Dare. May this light guide us forward toward healing and peace. I met Mary in 2007. Mary was a light and one of the many reasons I enjoyed being a Rotary Member, a Friend of the Horsham Library, and a Board Member at The College Settlement Camp. I did not attend the Annual Chicken Dinner at the camp. One day, Mary suggested I come to dinner at the camp and I did. I attended the dinner and later found myself willingly volunteering to support the camp and helping out with basket donations and other events over the years. Mary was a great influencer. Mary was a Rallier of sorts and did not meet any strangers. Mary liked and wanted to engage with everyone about everything. Mary was very successful at recognizing and recommending the perfect people and organizations for connections or community events. Mary always wore a great smile. When I saw her in early January, she still had a smile. Mary was a good friend and a great Rotarian and will be missed. Craig, may you and the family have peace as you move forward.
Pat Martin
Horsham Rotary
President 2022-2023
kathy haberle posted a condolence
Tuesday, February 7, 2023
My sincere condolences to Mrs. Dare's family. I grew up in Oak Hills and was blessed to have Mrs. Dare as my 5th grade teacher! She was amazing and truly loved being a teacher. If feel blessed to have met her!
Kathy Haberle Blair Mill Class of 1975.
Rose Greene lit a candle
Sunday, February 5, 2023

I am sorry to hear of your loss. I am one of the stylist at Rae’s hair studio., Craig and Mary both came to get their haircut. She was always so pleasant and so was Craig. She will be missed by our staff. My condolences to the family.
Jenifer Reichwein Eyre posted a condolence
Sunday, February 5, 2023
My deepest condolences to Craig, Michael and Chrissy. My heart is broken. Mary was the greatest teacher I have ever had. Her playful spirit, sense of humor, and quest for wonder made for a classroom full of rich discoveries. She was incomparable. May she rest in peace, and may you all be held in the hand of God and treated with great tenderness as you grieve this amazing woman.
Catherine Jabusch posted a symbolic gesture
Sunday, February 5, 2023

My heartfelt condolences to the Dare family, with the passing of Mary Dare. I was part of her Friends of the Horsham Library 'family.' I was one of those quiet people she just pulled into service by her sheer energy, passion, and force for good for the community of Horsham.
I don't think she knew the impact she had on my life. She invited me into getting involved with the Friends of the Horsham Library at a low point in my life and it made all the difference in the world to me, to be included and invited like that. Thank you, Mary, for your service to the Friends, to Horsham, and most of all for your friendship. I'll never forget you.
Tricia Douris Highfill posted a condolence
Sunday, February 5, 2023
To family and friends,
I only met Mary a few times while I visited my Mom in Bucks County when I was visiting my Mom. She was kind and had a great sense of humor and quick whit. My thoughts and prayers are with you all during this sad time.
James Walsh posted a condolence
Sunday, February 5, 2023
I didn’t know Mary for as long as I’d hope to, but in the short time that I did know Mary, there was plenty of laughter. One hot summer day, Mary thought that I needed a little something extra to cool down and tried to pour a large container of ice water over my head. She chased me around the pool for a few minutes, determined to dump the ice water on me, laughing the whole time… I’ll miss Mary’s kindness and generosity, but I’ll miss her sense of humor and infectious laughter the most.
Maria Van der Kleut lit a candle
Sunday, February 5, 2023

I first met Mary or at the time it was Mrs Dare in the 5th grade class of Blair Mill elementary school. She was such an amazing teacher and boy did we have fun in the class. I recall a favorite project where we had to make a commercial but the twist was it had to have unexpected results. I had a laundry soap the put holes in your clothes when you washed them. That's the kind of teacher she was-fun was put into learning. I later went on to earn a degree in marketing -guess a seed was planted that day. I later knew Mary again as Mrs dare when I would babysit for her children Michael and Chrissy. And once again Fun was the center. Our families keep in touch. The Dares were apart of some of the most important days. Later I worked again for Mary but this time it was Mary at Ottos. She hired me to be a bartender. What an amazing job and again FUN.
These past few years ha not been too much Fun for Mary and her family. Last I saw Mary was at our home. There were a few brief moments of that Fun when we reminisced about that 5th grade class.
So Mary-I believe you are in heaven-with your Mom & Dad having fun! Thanks for all the fun! May you rest in peace
-Maria & Randy van der Kleut & family
The family of Mary L. Dare uploaded a photo
Sunday, February 5, 2023

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1500 Old York Road, Abington, PA 19001
Phone: (215) 887-7375